Immigration Law
We work with issues concerning asylum, residence permits and deportation. If you’re seeking asylum in Sweden, you generally have the right to a public counsel who can help you and look after your interests. You have the right to propose who you want to be your public counsel.
Seeking asylum is often a very difficult and stressful process. It’s important that you have a good personal contact and feel you can trust your public counsel.
We can also help you to apply for work and residence permits in Sweden, regardless of whether they are for you, your spouse, partner or relative.Att vara asylsökande är ofta en mycket jobbig och påfrestande process. Det är viktigt att du har en bra personlig kontakt och känner ett stort förtroende för ditt offentliga biträde.
Custody matters
Custody is primarily used to ensure that a person who does not have permission to reside in Sweden is available for the enforcement of a decision on refusal of entry or deportation.
Custody means that you reside in secure accommodation from which you may not leave. The Swedish Migration Agency is responsible for this accommodation. Placing someone in custody is a very intrusive measure because it prevents that person from moving around freely. We have extensive experience in assisting clients in custody matters.